Your Family History

What we can find out for you

We can usually trace your family history back as far as extant written documents in the various archives are available.

Though the earliest family registers date from about 1600, it is more common that they begin between 1700 and 1750. Moreover, much information is simply not available or has been lost through emigration, moves, or obliterated by war or natural catastrophes such as fires. But our genealogists are well-versed in finding people even when at first there may seem to be no trace of them.

We have access to hundreds of European as well as American sources essential to bring to light emigrants as well as those emigrants' own descendants.

A thorough genealogical search can bring to light the following sorts of information:

  • place of birth, marriage, and/or death

  • occupation

  • place of residence, addresses, home and land ownership

  • membership in craft guilds and trade associations

  • university studies and degrees

  • honorary awards and entrance into the nobility

  • major anniversaries and celebrations

  • church events such as confirmation and communion as well godfather/godmother or witness names

  • number of children and gender, including those who die young

  • assessment of social conditions and life circumstances
  • birth details as well as midwife's name

  • spa stays

  • if applicable, legal punishments and court sentencing

  • wills and estate inheritance

  • date of possible emigration, as to the USA

  • illness and cause of death

  • war experiences (where served, wounding, POW status)

  • membership in the Nazi party or SS

  • place of burial

The following two questions are of special interest for many clients:

1) Are there living relatives?
2) Can they be found?

We are happy to report that the odds for both of these are high and we will do absolutely everything within our power to find and provide you with this information. Rest assured that if something exists, we will bring it to light.

The odds of finding ancestors before 1850 are not very high. We can never provide a guarantee of such, for information someone takes to the grave simply cannot be reconstructed through archival material.

We are always happy to provide you with a statistical listing of traditional first names among your forebears to help you choose heritage names for your own children!

Family History is a Matter of Faith.

Embarking on uncovering our family history is time travel. We may be pleased to learn about those who came before us, whose actions led to us being who we are. But we don't always get the answers we'd hoped for, making it crucial that we fully trust the experts helping us.

B. D. Baumgartner, MA
Genealogist at Austro-Hungarian Familiy Research

About us »
  • „Thanks to Ahnenschatz, I learned of an entire family branch that was delighted to get to know our family! Today I have two more cousins and recently we were invited to a wedding. I`d have never thought such a thing was even possible.“

    Dieter B., Austria

  • „I`d always been told that my great-grandfather gambled away his farm. Thanks to Ahnenschatz`s research, I learned that during a period of intense economic difficulty a neighbor drove him to ruin, which put everything in an entirely different light. Thank you!“

    Mag. Gernot B., Austria

  • „I sought Ahnenschatz`s help to find out if my grandfather was actually in the SS as I`d always been told. Their research revealed that towards the end of World War II, he was indeed conscripted into the SS as a translator. It was a load off my shoulders to find no evidence of his having committed war crimes.“

    Dr. Brigitte H., Vienna

  • „Thanks to Ahnenschatz I was able to visit the very farm that my ancestors purchased in 1736. It meant so much to me to actually set foot in the house that belonged to my forebears“

    Bernhard A., Vienna

Have you got questions about your family history?

For details please go to Contact Us.

+43 650 4759670

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