The Path to your History

Step 1: Gathering Documents
Almost every family has documents, certificates and even photographs.
If not in your possession they might be at your parents' or siblings', perhaps in folders with contracts, birth/death/marriage certificates, letters and military discharges, or in old boxes up in the attic, where you might find proof of Aryan race from Nazi times, the so-called "Ahnenpass." Such documents provide good starting points for our research.
Should such documents be unavailable, we can still do our work but be sure to sketch out for us what you know about family relationships as far back as you can. In a quiet hour, consider what special or key questions you might have for us.
Moreover: We are aware that in many families trust has often frayed, so if you wish, we will digitalize any sources relatives have.
Step 2: Your Initial Conversation with Austro-Hungarian Familiy Research
We discuss these documents and your family tree sketch so as to customize our work for you. Together we determine your priorities and what is doable. You receive a bill at this point for the first half of our work.
Please Note: You need not turn over any original documents or photos, which can be scanned and digitalized for security's sake.
Depending on the nature and scope of your request, we may require a limited Power of Attorney allowing us to request documents for you from registry offices and archives.

Step 3: Austro-Hungarian Familiy Research researches
Our experienced Genealogists know what we can unearth, read and interpret for you.
To Your Advantage: To get the most out of archival material, we routinely bring in specialized experts in handwriting, military history or the Nazi era.
We often carry out simultaneous research in distant archives for several clients. Otherwise we could never offer such reasonable package rates. Thus, we ask that you allow us several weeks to complete our searches.
Step 4: Evaluating and Conserving the Results
Once we finish, you receive from us a hardbound comprehensive report with digitalized copies of our sources on a CD. We also preserve an analog copy in our own archive.

Have you got questions about your family history?
For details please go to Contact Us.
+43 650 4759670