What we do

The cost of ancestral and family research depends on how much time we spend on it.

Likewise, how much you will learn about your family generally depends on how much time we spend doing the research.

Since no one gladly writes a blank check and invests money without knowing what the final bill will be, we have, based on our experience, developed three package options to provide you with a clear framework for our research.

Our Package Offers and Prices


The ideal package for small, tightly-focused research projects.

Initial telephone conversation

15 hours of research including processing and drawing up a family tree

In this package we can usually provide the ancestral dates on either the father's or mother's side. For this price we cannot promise to provide information about siblings or dates of death.

Documentation: one report in a hardcover book

Package price including sales tax:

620 USD

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This is the ideal package for a comprehensive overview.

Initial conversation in person

25 hours of research including processing and drawing up a family tree

We generally can include birth and marriage dates for the main lineage of your family tree but normally not dates of death. Nor can multiple marriages, siblings' children and living relatives be thoroughly researched. Specific questions may be possible.

Documentation: a hardcover book, including data on a CD

Package price including sales tax:

980 USD

Request package »


The ideal package for comprehensive research including life circumstances and fairly complex concerns.

Initial conversation, at your home if you wish

40 hours of research including processing and drawing up a family tree

In this package it is safe to assume that we can trace back subsidiary lineages as far as our sources allow, even for siblings and multiple marriages if relevant. We can also attempt to follow each lineage forward in time to discover if there are living relatives. You can count on us doing research into real estate documents, marriage contracts and wills so as to reconstruct life circumstances. This is the ideal package for complex inquiries with considerable in-person research.

Documentation: two hardcover books including data and photos on a CD

Package price including sales tax:

1460 USD

Request package »

Supplementary Research:

  • Basic fee for research: 44,-- USD per hour

  • Supplementary Research Package: 10 additional hours of research: 400,-- USD

  • Oral History Interview: 169,-- USD including documentation

  • Each request for information from the Berlin Archives (Nazi and Wehrmacht data): 75,-- USD (excluding archives fees)

We are flexible about additional requests and charge on a case-to-case basis.

Document Package:

  • Hardcover book (extra copy: 25 USD)

  • Data in GEDCOM-standard for online publication

  • These prices include 20 per cent sales tax.

Family History is a Matter of Faith.

Embarking on uncovering our family history is time travel. We may be pleased to learn about those who came before us, whose actions led to us being who we are. But we don't always get the answers we'd hoped for, making it crucial that we fully trust the experts helping us.

B. D. Baumgartner, MA
Genealogist at Austro-Hungarian Familiy Research

  • „I`d always been told that my great-grandfather gambled away his farm. Thanks to Ahnenschatz`s research, I learned that during a period of intense economic difficulty a neighbor drove him to ruin, which put everything in an entirely different light. Thank you!“

    Mag. Gernot B., Austria

  • „Thanks to Ahnenschatz I was able to visit the very farm that my ancestors purchased in 1736. It meant so much to me to actually set foot in the house that belonged to my forebears“

    Bernhard A., Vienna

  • „Thanks to Ahnenschatz, I learned of an entire family branch that was delighted to get to know our family! Today I have two more cousins and recently we were invited to a wedding. I`d have never thought such a thing was even possible.“

    Dieter B., Austria

  • „I sought Ahnenschatz`s help to find out if my grandfather was actually in the SS as I`d always been told. Their research revealed that towards the end of World War II, he was indeed conscripted into the SS as a translator. It was a load off my shoulders to find no evidence of his having committed war crimes.“

    Dr. Brigitte H., Vienna

Have you got questions about your family history?

For details please go to Contact Us.

+43 650 4759670

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